Thursday, March 12, 2009

It's over! Now what?

I'm finally done with planting! The days of 5am wake up calls, hiking all over clearcuts in hopes that I won't fall and get a stick in the eye, and 55 hour weeks are over. It's kinda weird not having somewhere to be all the time, or tired at 4pm. In fact I might actually be enjoying my time of resting and relaxation.
I often times go through a little freak out after working intensely for a couple months, mostly wondering what do I do with myself, what is my purpose, and what am I going to do with all my time? Duh that's hard, sleep?
After the first day of being done I had no freak out, I was extremely relaxed, and in fact went for a bike ride and made a list of what I need to do before I head off to Yosemite.

That list is what I will do with my time. I have created many tasks to get my life on track, organized, and rolling, with my Yosemite departure only a month way. I think a better question to ask myself is, do I have enough time to get everything done that I want and see my family and friends before I move? Organizing ones life is no small task. Many of us think of spring cleaning as an enormous duty in which we do every other year or so, but I am working with a slightly larger scale. I'm thinking of what I might need for possibly the next YEAR and to get it to all fit into my 2001 Subaru Outback. I'm talking about figuring out what I do need or not need (The definition of need is up for debate), and re-boxing items in my storage unit, which is always fun in its self (not). I have learned that when you are living out of your car what you need is much different than what you think you need. I think I need more shoes, but when I can't get them all into my milk crate then realize, perhaps I don't really need all of them (Yes, I know I am almost 28 and still using milk crates to move and live out of, but they are very practical, heavy duty, and free if you know the right people). It makes me a much more simple person who ends up wearing the same thing time again and again. But as long as I have my cute favorite pair of shoes. I really know how to prioritize.

It's amazing that the winter has gone this fast, I guess that's what happens when you work all the time and have no personal life, it flys by you. The next thing I know I will be packing up my car for another great adventure!


  1. Glad you are enjoying your "free time", although nothing is ever free. Make sure to pack that cute clutch for your trip.


  2. I'm impressed Brent knows what a clutch is. That kid has knowledge of more topics than I give him credit for...

  3. I was just getting used to having you around :(
